Tuesday 8 September 2015

Procedure of whiskey

It is a distilled spirit made from fermented grain mash and distilled out no more than 190 degree Fahrenheit or less than 80 degree Fahrenheit. The word whiskey is ”Gaelic” in origin means “water of life”. The major whiskey producing areas are Ireland, Scotland and Canada.

Whiskey is mainly made by two ways
1. Pot still method.
2. Patent still method

Period of ageing and degree of blending, there are mainly five step for making whiskey. They are as follows:
Ageing and Blending

There are steps are strictly followed in case of pot still whiskey.

MALTING: At first moistened the barley and spread on a warm floor. As the seed begins to grow it becomes malt or germinated grain, starch in the seed converts to maltose. When the shoots are almost an inch long, then these shoots are dried over fires at high temperature, the shoots use peat fires to give their whiskeys a special smoky aroma. In Ireland, coal fires are used and the bailey is later mixed with other cereals.

MASHING: The process is similar to that of beer. First, the malt is ground and the grict is diluted with hot water in large vats called mash turns, when the water absorbs. All the goodness of the grain which is called wort.

FERMENTING: Now sugar is added with the wort and yeast is given inside the “vat” for fermentation and as a result CO2 gas and a liquid alcohol produced.

DISTILLATION: For its first distillation, the fermented wort really a form of beer goes into the wash still and again distilled it in another copper pot still for distillation. Irish whiskeys are re-distilled third time for their smoothness characteristics.

AGEING: The pure colourless spirit and fiery is transferred to old wooden cask for maturation. The minimum ageing period is three years for scotch whiskey. This allows wood is giving the spirit brown in colour and nutty flavour.

The blender is a different ingredient; these may include grain whiskeys, grain neutral spirit and hi proof spirits. Some blender also add special flavouring like sherry wine or fruit juice pure, as water has to the added to reduce the proof either before ageing or before bottling. At the time of ageing the whiskey gets amber colour from wooden casks but some time caramel colour is also sold to get the right colour.

Most of the whiskeys of the world are made by patent method. They are based on a mixture of different grains like wheat, corn, rye and barley. The exact proportion of each grains mash is well-guarded company secret. This is giving each blend a characteristics taste. The first steps in the patent still method are similar pot still method.

First the grains are grounded and mixed with hot water and pressure-cooked. Then this retraces the starch from this tough outer seed walls, the liquid wort is then transferred to a mash turn.

At this stage the cooked cereals are rapidly cooled and mixed with ground malted barley, which acts also on the other cereals to convert their starches to sugar. Then the yeast is added and fermentation takes place.

After fermentation, this is transferred in the patent still for distillation and rectification. At this stage, the proof varies from 140-160.

The new spirit passes for ageing, all the whiskey requires minimum three years to become smooth.  After that, blending and finishing was done.

Sunday 30 August 2015

Introduction of rum

Rum is distilled alcoholic beverages from the fermented juice of sugar cane or molasses. It is a strong dark spirit but modern white rum is more popular. White rum is light in taste and easy to mix for making cool cocktail.

Rum was distilled in the early 16 th century, when the Spanish colonist gone to west Indies. By the 17 th century rum was well established in the new world land in Europe, both use as a warming medicine and social drink. Another theory holds that the latin name for sugar is saccharam, may have been shorten to rum.

Sugar cane is washed and chopped into small pieces and crushed in crusher and get full amount of juice. The fibrous mass is called “Bagasse”. The extracted juice is runned to a huge vat and heated.  Allowed to cool, then this dark sugar solution is treated with lime and boiled again which allows the growth of crystals the liquid mass which is dark brown in colour is molasses for use in rum.

The mixture of molasses and sugar crystals is not put into a centrifuge machine.  Sugar crystals and molasses are separated. Then molasses are diluted with water and allowed to ferment. For white rum it is 24 hours and for dark rum it is several days.

During distillation, dry light rums are distilled always in a patent still to very high proof and dark pungent rums are distilled traditionally in “pot still” to very lower proof.

In the time of maturation, oak wood casks are used. For white rum plain oak casks are used and for dark rum carved oak casks are preferred. The minimum period of maturation is at least 3 years before blending. White rum needs no maturation. Blending is done after maturating.  After testing, bottle is ready for sale.


NAVAL RUM: Pusser’s rum

CARIBBEAN RUM: Gold label, Ronrico and Barbados etc

Carribbean Light RUM: Anejo, Castillo, Don Q, Lemon Hart and Appleton White rum.

US RUM: Old Medford Rum

Monday 3 August 2015

Combination of food and wine

Well prepared food and service are always appreciable but greatest satisfaction comes when right wine goes with the right food. Food and wine always interact to each other. Here I will speak about the combination of the food and wine.

If you take shellfish in dinner, then white and dry wine will be the right choice. Because Fresh and acidic flavour of wine makes a good balance with the oily and light texture of fish. Some of the best examples of dry white wines are:
Champagne Bluff
CHABLIS (Burgundy)
MEURSAULT (Burgundy)

You can choose those wines for other fish dishes. If a fish or shell fish makes with sweet sauce then you can select slightly sweeten wine, for example Chateau Olivier (Graves) or German Holk.

In the time of lamb, beef and other red meat varieties of red wine will be right accompaniment. For example
Such as

Pork and veal dishes deserve a wine which is medium character and white German wine, pairs well in these foods. LEIBFRAUMILCH is an example of a popular which is unlikely to reach criticism. Other suitable wine would include Graves (white) such as Chateau OLIVIER, ENTRE-DEUX- MERS. Some people prefer light red wines with white meats when they are roasted.

Light red wine will go with the roast poultry. For example BEAUJOLAIS (Burgundy)

Cold chicken and turkey are accompanied well by the light fresh white wine.

Cheese and wine can combines to getter is many different ways. Blue-veined Cheeses are best served with a light red wine such as claret, white cream cheeses satisfied more if served with a sweetish wine or rose wine, such as VAOVRAY or ANJOO.

Sweet white wines from Loire Valley are good with fruit dishes and fresh fruit salad.

German sweet wines (white) such as AUSLESE BEERENAUSLESE or the alternately luscious TROCKENBEERE NAOSLESE are good with desserts.

Italian sweet wines such as LOCOROTONDO are also very acceptable.

Sparkling wines are excellent with sweet course. Wines is not best to recommend for chocolate dessert. 

Sunday 12 July 2015

What is Vodka

Vodka is a distilled alcoholic drink which is made by any type of grain and starchy food material like rye, wheat, potato, corn and grapes which contain starch and sugar. Vodka is the composition of water and ethanol, sometime added some flavor.  World popular tasteless neutral spirit Smirnoff made by corn.

Vodka is the main drink of Russia because they claimed that they invented this drink in 13 th century but in other side Persia claimed that they made this things in 11 th century. According to Russian word, vodka means water of life and this literal translation is little water. The homemade distilled vodka called Moonshine. Its alcoholic content is 40 %. Traditionally this is served neat with ice and other mixer, some time mixed some water.

First, grains are cooked and ground and mixed with the hot water. 
Mash is obtained. Malt or special enzymes are mixed to convert the starch to sugar.
Yeast is added for fermentation.
Then it is go for the distillation. Vodka develops at about 190 degree proof.
Distilled alcohol goes for the purification. High quality vodkas are also filtered through tanks containing charcoal.
Now the time of bottling, this purified spirit diluted with water to decrease the alcoholic strength. Vodka can be bottled in same day, when it is made.

  • GILBEY’S –  It is mainly produced in North America. This is 100% grain neutral spirit. Very popular Smirnoff vodka produced under Gilbey’s.
  • GORDON’S – It is low cost vodka, mainly available in bottle. This is available in outside Britain.
  • KAMCHATKA- It is mainly produced in North America. Its taste is smooth and crisp.
  • POPOV- It is mainly produced by grain, so its taste is smooth and fruity. This vodka is generally British drink.

  • POLISH VODKA- Belvedere and Chopin are mainly polish vodka which is easily available in market. Off course, they also produced flavored vodka, like Zubrowka which is greenish in color and flavored with a type of grass.
  • RUSSIAN VODKAS- This is traditionally made from grain. Some famous brand is Kamlin, Russakaya and Redyar etc.
  • FINNISH VODKAS- This type of vodka mainly produced in Finland. Diesel, Mosses and Koskenkorva are the most popular band of Finnish vodka. 

Friday 3 July 2015

Introduction of Beer

Beer is an alcoholic beverages, made by cereal mainly barley. Beer is making by process of brewing power. It has low alcoholic content i.e. 3 % to 8% and some Indian beer have 12 %. It is especially serve chilled.

Brewing materials are:
Malt: Barley is used for making beer because it is helpful to the yeast in breaking down the sugar.  Otherwise beer can be made of any cereals. The cereal goes through a process which converts it to malt.

HOP: This is one type of flower which other name is Homulus Lupulus.  It is used for brewing process which gives the beer characteristics flavour (bitter) and fine froth. There are several different kinds of hops suitable for the brewing of different beer. In India, it is produced in the Kashmir valley.

Sugar: Specially graded refined sugar is used which helps in fermentation and the production of alcohol.

Brewers yeast: Yeast is microscopic organism which act is catalysts during fermentation and converts sugar in alcohol and CO2. Two type of yeast is generally used for fermentation.
Sacharomyces Cerevisiae (Top fermenting yeast), for ordinary beer.

Sacharomyces Kurlsbergenesis (Bottom fermenting yeast), for lager beer.

Finning: It is clarifying agent, used during the storing of beers.  It attracts all the impurities /sediments to the bottom of the cask during storing.

Priming: It is a solution of sugar and hop added to some beers during storage. The function of the solution is to develop the condition of the beer by the remaining yeast reacting with the sugar to give off CO2 and alcohol in the cask. This is called second fermentation.

Brewing Water: Generally mineral water used for this process which help to develop the special characteristics of beer.

First, the barley is ripened, soaked and the spread on floor to germinate. After germination it is dried or roasted. The starch in the cereal changes to sugar. It is called malt.  The malted barley is crushed and called grist. The grist mixed with hot water. This mixture called mash. The extract is allowed to infuse. The extract is called roust.
Then the extract is drained to a containers called ‘copper’, hops and sugar is added. The liquid is then boiled to concentrate. The extract is strained off to remove hops. Cool to approximately 16 degree centigrade or 60 degree F. Then it is going for fermentation. Yeast is used and fermentation starts. The CO2 is given off and is colored to use in case of bottle beer. After 36 hours of fermentation the yeast is collected to resise. The beer is allowed to mature in oak cask or trunk finning are added to brightens the beer, the beer is allowed to settle. There racking is done. The beer is tasted for quality and consistency before being send out for trade. 

Wednesday 1 July 2015

Defination Of Gin


Gin is a spirituous alcoholic beverage flavoured predominantly with the essential oil of juniper type berry and sometime other flavoring such as anise, caraway seeds and orangeica root.

The juniper belongs from the pine family, the best berries which are the sources of flowering. The chief sources are Italy, Australia, Germany, Hungary, Poland and Sweden. The berries contain an essential oil of highly aromatic character and of pronounced medical property.

Gin was the first made of Holland. The name gin come from the French word “Genievee” or Dutch word “Jenver” born meaning Juniper. It was for many years. “The poor rotation in the family of distilled liquors but it has at least come into its own mainly as ingredient of mixed drink. The flavour of good gin seems to blend almost with all other beverages.

White brandy, whisky and rum are natural spirit and their characteristics are imported to the spirits by the by product of the distillate.  Gin differs in the aspect, gin is rectified in such a process that it deals at least a dears of all the by products and yields a silent or natural spirit which infect is pure ethyl alcohol which is then flavoured, sweeten and bottled and sold. It don’t require any maturing.

Introduction of Coffee

Coffee is the second popular brewed drink which serve hot and cold both. It is good for health because it is loaded with anti-oxidents and benificial nutrients.
There are many kinds of coffee. But those with the finest flavour come from the tree (Coffee Arabica) and the other main bean is (coffea Rebeska), it has a more natural flavour.
The flavour of coffee beans is equally determined by their supas and acid contents, which may vary according to condition in which the beans are grown and the degrees to which they are roasted.
Once they are hervested. The raw, green beans must be roasted to develop their flavour, aroma and colour. Brief washing gives bean a pale colour and release a mild flavour.
The amount of coffee to use depends on how strong the drinker wants his coffee and on how finely the beans are grounded.

Everybody appreciate good coffee but good coffee depends on various thing besides the actual making.

There are many different ways of making coffee. Filteration method is recognised as the best.

Sparking fresh water always be used for different method.
1. Pot Method.

2. Vaccum method

3. Percolator method

4. Drip Pot method.

For the pot method, ground coarse coffee should be use.

Fine but not pulverised for the vaccum method, medium for percolator and fine for drip pot method.

Irish  coffee is another variation of coffee. It consists primarily of coffee. Flavours with sugar and spirit.

  • Brazil
  • Columbia
  • Costa Rica
  • India
  • Kenya
  • Venezuela
              Besides these the following varieties are sometime served
  1. Instant coffee: It is powdered and soluble extract from coffeebeans.
  2. De-caffinated coffee: Caffain has been removed by solvants.
  3. Espresso or Expresso: It is strong dark coffee made from beans rosted until they are almost black and ground to a powder.
  4. Demitasse: It refers a strong black coffee served in small cups after dinner.
  5. Cappuccino: This is the combination of equal parts of espresso and frothy steamed milk. Sometime topped with whipped cream and cinnamom.
1. Irish coffee: Irish whisky.
2. Carriebean coffee: Rum
3. Calypso Coffee: Tia Maria
4. Bala laiska Coffee: Vodka
5. Pighland Coffee: Scotch malt whisky
6. Monks Coffee: Benedictine
7. Cafe Napoleon: Cognac Brandy
8. Cioueho's Coffee: Tequila
Speciality Coffee: Liquor and spirit based coffees are now very popular  

Tuesday 30 June 2015

Introduction of Tea

This is one of the most common names of aromatic beverages and widely consumed drink in the world after water. It is only beverage which can serve hot and chilled. This is not only a social vitual but it becomes a passion in middle of all kind of people.  Its history goes back to more than 4000 years. The scientific name is “Cemelia synenies”. It has lots of health benefit.

Oolong: This is the intermediate tea between green and black tea with regard to fermentation. This is also called “black dragon” tea. This tea especially fermented before dying. Oolong is not produce in India, it is mainly found in china. 

Green: It is made by the unfermented leaves which are pale in colour and bitter in test. It is mainly originated from china and Japan. 

Herbal: This is made by infusing herbs.

Tisane: It is also herbal tea where the herbs have therapeutic value.

Black: This is fully fermented before dying which is dark in colour.

Orthodox: This is the traditional process of making tea which we buy commercially or leaf tea.

C.T.C: This tea is produced when the large numbers of leave of the common tea plant is crushed, turn and curled. Fermented leaf is rolled into small grains and shriveled by expusing it hot air blast. Used for blending when colour is needed.

Legg cut: This process is used for places that have heavy rainfall. The tea leaf is finely cut like tobacco (32 times to the inches the freshly plucked leaf).

NOTE: Black tea is fully fermented, green tea is unfermented and oolong tea is partially fermented.

Monday 29 June 2015

Defination of Mocktail


Mocktail is a non-alcoholic drink which made by fresh fruit juice and other soft drinks. We can also say that “Virgin Cocktail”.

So who are the nondrinker and never acquired a taste of liquor; for those persons mocktail is a good choice. Mocktail is also popular in the middle of children, ladies and old age people. It gained lots of popularity for their vibrant colours and exotic flavours.

This is the art of perfect balancing of fresh fruit juice, syrup, some contain of cream, herbs and spices.

Classification of mocktails is fizzy, non-fizzy, frozen and cream based recipes. It is also classified by fancy addition of decorative drinking straw, slice of fruit in the rim of the glass, sunken cherry, liquid layers, sugared and salted rim which give colour, texture and taste.  Presentation is the most important part of mocktail.

Mocktails have a lots of health benefit when it is made by fresh fruit juice or puree, milk and cream.
If the guest come with tonsils, sneezing and cold then we can serve warm mocktail, as example: honey, cinnamom, ginger and black papper blended with warm water.


Sunday 28 June 2015

Introduction of Cocktail


Cocktail  made by different type of spirit, Every cocktail consist of base, modifier, and the colouring agent or special flavoring.

Cocktail is mainly depend on base and are the spirit, like Rum, gin, whisky, vodka and brandy.
The modifier which brings out flavour of the base. Modifier is mainly Italian or French vermouth, wine, fruit juice, creams and eggs etc.
The colouring agent or special flavourings are suger syrup such as (granadine, orgeat , liquere and cordial). It should be use directly otherwise it will remove the flavour from the base spirit also.

Classification of cocktail
Mainly cocktail are 4 types.  They are
Traditional Cocktail :    Fresh fruit or cream do not use for this cocktail

Exotic Cocktail :  This cocktail is originated from the Caribbean Islands. Rum is the main base of these cocktails.  Generally they are having more than two modifire.

Cream Cocktail. These cocktails modifying agent is cream.  Its basic purpose is remove the harshness of alcohol.

Wine concoctions: This type of cocktail wine are used as the base of cocktail.

Mainly Cocktail made by three way, these are
Blending, Stiring and Shaking.

Other method are Floating, muddling and pouring..