Wednesday 1 July 2015

Introduction of Coffee

Coffee is the second popular brewed drink which serve hot and cold both. It is good for health because it is loaded with anti-oxidents and benificial nutrients.
There are many kinds of coffee. But those with the finest flavour come from the tree (Coffee Arabica) and the other main bean is (coffea Rebeska), it has a more natural flavour.
The flavour of coffee beans is equally determined by their supas and acid contents, which may vary according to condition in which the beans are grown and the degrees to which they are roasted.
Once they are hervested. The raw, green beans must be roasted to develop their flavour, aroma and colour. Brief washing gives bean a pale colour and release a mild flavour.
The amount of coffee to use depends on how strong the drinker wants his coffee and on how finely the beans are grounded.

Everybody appreciate good coffee but good coffee depends on various thing besides the actual making.

There are many different ways of making coffee. Filteration method is recognised as the best.

Sparking fresh water always be used for different method.
1. Pot Method.

2. Vaccum method

3. Percolator method

4. Drip Pot method.

For the pot method, ground coarse coffee should be use.

Fine but not pulverised for the vaccum method, medium for percolator and fine for drip pot method.

Irish  coffee is another variation of coffee. It consists primarily of coffee. Flavours with sugar and spirit.

  • Brazil
  • Columbia
  • Costa Rica
  • India
  • Kenya
  • Venezuela
              Besides these the following varieties are sometime served
  1. Instant coffee: It is powdered and soluble extract from coffeebeans.
  2. De-caffinated coffee: Caffain has been removed by solvants.
  3. Espresso or Expresso: It is strong dark coffee made from beans rosted until they are almost black and ground to a powder.
  4. Demitasse: It refers a strong black coffee served in small cups after dinner.
  5. Cappuccino: This is the combination of equal parts of espresso and frothy steamed milk. Sometime topped with whipped cream and cinnamom.
1. Irish coffee: Irish whisky.
2. Carriebean coffee: Rum
3. Calypso Coffee: Tia Maria
4. Bala laiska Coffee: Vodka
5. Pighland Coffee: Scotch malt whisky
6. Monks Coffee: Benedictine
7. Cafe Napoleon: Cognac Brandy
8. Cioueho's Coffee: Tequila
Speciality Coffee: Liquor and spirit based coffees are now very popular  

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