Tuesday 30 June 2015

Introduction of Tea

This is one of the most common names of aromatic beverages and widely consumed drink in the world after water. It is only beverage which can serve hot and chilled. This is not only a social vitual but it becomes a passion in middle of all kind of people.  Its history goes back to more than 4000 years. The scientific name is “Cemelia synenies”. It has lots of health benefit.

Oolong: This is the intermediate tea between green and black tea with regard to fermentation. This is also called “black dragon” tea. This tea especially fermented before dying. Oolong is not produce in India, it is mainly found in china. 

Green: It is made by the unfermented leaves which are pale in colour and bitter in test. It is mainly originated from china and Japan. 

Herbal: This is made by infusing herbs.

Tisane: It is also herbal tea where the herbs have therapeutic value.

Black: This is fully fermented before dying which is dark in colour.

Orthodox: This is the traditional process of making tea which we buy commercially or leaf tea.

C.T.C: This tea is produced when the large numbers of leave of the common tea plant is crushed, turn and curled. Fermented leaf is rolled into small grains and shriveled by expusing it hot air blast. Used for blending when colour is needed.

Legg cut: This process is used for places that have heavy rainfall. The tea leaf is finely cut like tobacco (32 times to the inches the freshly plucked leaf).

NOTE: Black tea is fully fermented, green tea is unfermented and oolong tea is partially fermented.

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